Concept > 'About Katina!'
References, Workshops, Press and Bio > 'Katina!'
About fleur, technical sheet & media > 'Fleur!'
About Inner Trans Circle, technical sheet & media > 'Inner Trans Circle'

 A body and the skirt
The spiral and a body
The skirt and the spiral
Transparency and Zita
Man and woman? To be oneself and at the same time one’s opposite.
Inseparable in 1.
The spiral leads.
Intimacy between a reality and an abstraction. The absolute transcending and relativity supreme.
A moment of inner reflection. A caress.
May we have a look?

The Diva, Resolute, Toreador, Melancholic, Seductive, Exuberant, Subdued, Don Juan, Reserved, Wondering, Femme Fatale, Mysterious.
In all her purity, abundantly gathering the bright sunbeams,
perfuming the night with a fragrance that whispers murmurs of remembrance of her.
Harmony, ecstasy, aloofness.
 The music installation has been integrated in the costume.
The music, the dance and the theatre are taking us to Argentina, Spain, Cuba and other exotic countries.
A blending of a masculine force and feminine intentions.

Dancer-stilts: Marie-Anne Dirckx, Choreographer: Marie-Anne Dirckx, Costume: Chris Wyn, M.A. Dirckx,
Music installation: Thomas Leten, Hans Weyers,
Music compilation: Zouzou Ben Chikha, Video: Ilke De Vries, Photograph: Tom Nevejan, Jan Vereecken, Website and flyers: Anne-Marie Jonckheere.